
Welcome to His Word

His Word is proudly bought to you in association with the Kiwi Maranatha Charitable Trust.

With technology growing at such a fast pace it makes sense to provide video blogs of all things related to God.  This site is dedicated to bringing you the best of the best to ensure that you learn and grow while using other forms of mediums as your knowledge base.

If you want to know more then read our About page or contact us by using our Contact Form.


  1. On the right sidebar are a number of ways to filter out videos and find what you need.
  2. The Search tool will look for keywords associated to videos.  Just type any word into the search tool and click the magnifying glass button or hit ENTER on the keyboard.
  3. Video Categories sorts and counts the number of videos related to each category.
  4. Recent Videos shows all the latest posted videos.
  5. Tags are common words used to explain each video.  The larger the tag the more videos associated to that Tag.
  6. Dates shows a calendar which has the dates of when each video was posted.  You can click on a highlighted date and view videos from that day.